Can peace be attained? What is peace? Is it just the absence of war? Is it something we can experience on a deep personal level?
(Below is a beautiful song I wrote with several individuals earlier this year. It was a wonderfully connective experience. Read on to find out how YOU can be involved in that experience TODAY!)
Of course, like many subjects, peace is a broad topic. I’d like you to consider what peace means to you. Take your time, give yourself a moment, take some peacefully deep breaths. While you do, listen to my peace inspired song - 'Stop The Earth From Weeping'.
It's interesting in the world in which we live, many people measure things by a lack or by less. As we’ve already stated, many feel that peace is a lack of war, aggression or conflict. However, peace is more. It is a deep seated sense of tranquility and serenity. I’d love to know how you find peace in this turbulent and at times topsy-turvy world. How do you find peace?
Why do I ask this question? For so many reasons. One of the most immediate reasons, is that later today at 3pm (uk time), I aim to share a peaceful creative experience with YOU!
In fact, every Monday on my Facebook business page at 3 pm UK time I aim to write a song with you...

Prepare yourself for an incredibly creative experience.
At 3 pm today, I will be sat at my piano keyboard, ready to write a song on the subject of PEACE. Therefore, I would welcome your thoughts on this subject. I am grateful for the number of individuals who have shared their thoughts on the subject of peace already.
Join me on my business FaceBook page at 3pm today... it's not everyday you get to be part of writing a song!!!
'Be Creatively FREE With Me @ THREE' >>
Who knows we may write the next 'Garden of Life' TOGETHER!
See you later!
Loves Energy,
Ray xxx
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