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Forgiving & Releasing the Past in OUR Garden of Life


We all have one! Some will try to convince you that YOU are defined by IT! You cannot move away from IT! IT will be with you FOREVER! What is IT?! A past. A history.

In this weeks blog, I share with you some of my past... Why? Because I know it will be beneficial to you!

“If you want to fly on the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward, you need to let go the past that drags you down”. Amit Ray

For many years as a child, I allowed myself to perceive I was being loyal to my Mother, after my Dad left the family home. I never seeing my dad again! I even carried this perception child loyalty with me into my adult life! Even when my Dad died, 38 years after he left the family home, my Mother still spoke bitterly of his leaving! Whilst I respect my Mothers point of view, I allowed this point of view to cause me to NEVER see my Dad again! He died around the time I was recovering from throat cancer and at the beginning of a time I started going through a marriage breakdown, separation and eventual divorce.

Friends, life is precious. The past can hold and sometimes even destroy us, if we allow it!

Sad to say others try to hold us in their story, their history. It’s like at times they still want to deal in a currency that has gone out of circulation.

I wrote this song on Saturday 27/6/2020. I’d appreciate you reading the lyrics and watching the video link... no vocal yet, I’m still on voice rest:


Eyes set on creativity, imagination was my childhood toy.

Gazing out on the world, I give you the vision of this boy.

Misplaced loyalty, some silence and a misplaced dream or two.

The lanes where long, I’ve not yet written every song and this one is for me too.


It’s not always been about you.

Though that’s how others tried to make you feel.


This is your dedication your legacy.

For every silence, unseen, and the hurt that made you real.


I’m standing right by you and holding you, in forgiveness embrace.


It’s no longer about your past, or every tear that rolled down your face.


I love you.


I forgive you!

Mind made up, gonna fill my cup, no longer the shy child and coy.

Raising eyes to the future, I give you, the vision of my boy.

Holding hands and shifting sands, life has taught me a lesson or three.

I hope you can understand, when forgiveness lends her hand, let this be for you and for me.


It’s not always been about you.

Though that’s how others tried to make you feel.


This is your dedication your legacy.

For every silence, unseen, and the hurt that made you real.


I’m standing right by you and holding you in your forgiveness embrace.


It’s no longer about your past, or every tear that rolled down your face.


I love you.


I forgive you!

My history certainly has not been ‘squeaky clean’, whatever that means. I do share with you that others will continue to haunt you with their version of the past, even after it is LONG gone! However, having said this, I understand, accept and acknowledge, that those in my life were living their version of events.

We cannot and should not allow ourselves to be CONSTANTLY dragged by others through their version of events. I accept my part in my past, I learn from it and forgive it and I equally do that for others, and await the day when they come into the presence of NOW!

I now give for good reason and I forgive for every season.

You cannot drag the past around like a bag of rotting flesh! Believe me I have for decades! Faith is a tremendous thing. Hope is a tremendous thing. Love is even grander! Religion can be used as a weapon of superiority. Having been a member of the religious organisation Jehovah’s Witnesses for many years, I have experienced extreme judgement and been on the receiving end of examples of lying and hypocrisy, in the supposed name of 'truth' and 'God'! In sharing this I am NOT anti religion, I am not even anti Jehovah’s Witness! I am though anti inhumanity, whatever branding or label it uses. Others will judge your life, through their perceived filter of holiness. The greatest of all filters is unconditional love DIRECT from the source of divine love!

In sharing this am I somehow keeping the past alive? No! Because I share this experience in love and gratitude for ALL the things I have experienced, and the lessons they have taught me! Do you need to be a saint to be a good human being, thankfully not! We must surrender our past! I don’t ignore it, I welcome it and I forgive it! This present moment is filled with beauty for us all, if others try to get you to exchange in their currency of sheep coated hate, move on, walk on by, in the power of love.

The future is INCREDIBLE! It’s so exciting to open up creative opportunities for YOU!

Now because I am open and not allowing negative judgement to enslave me in perceived freedom, ironically, I can serve a greater number of people. Including YOU!

Take a look at the ways I can serve you! I’ve even numbered them lol

1. This my positive uplifting weekly blog >>

2. Positive weekly YouTube vlog designed to uplift you (subscribe) >>

3. Instagram IGTV Series ‘Be YOU With Me - Connecting in ONE Voice’. Designed to create a platform for harmonious and unifying thoughts, for your encouragement... visit Instagram account @raycoatesvoice

4. My album ‘Garden of Life’ to elevate you with its magical message (visit my product page to order YOUR CD copy). >>

5. Songwriting service - to write YOUR Unique DNA song! A gift for YOU that will last FOREVER! Contact me through social media or email me - for more details with no obligation.

6. Most recent service and one I am EXTREMELY excited to share... online training program to train you to write your OWN Songs/lyrics/poetry! Wow! ‘Songwriting - Writing YOUR Unique DNA Songs’! Currently ONLY one off payment of $51 for LIFETIME ACCESS! >>

Just imagine if I continued to sit in the pity puddle that others had rained down on me, none of the above would have existed! My parting advise? Open up to the FULL potential of YOU! Align with people who uplevel you, who don’t discourage and disparage you! If these naysayers include those close too you, even relatives, or a believe system, then YOU have a decision to make. Whilst I am not advocating wholesale eviction of others from your life, if they create a toxic environment for the emotional and phycological air we breathe, then we have to move on and walk on by in love.

We get ONE present life, and it is moving forwards. Learn from the past. Live in the now and create the life and future YOU richly deserve! I look forward to continuing to use my gift to create more gifts for YOU and many, many more beautiful souls.


Ray xx

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