In last weeks YouTube channel vlog, I discussed the meaning behind some of the lyrics on first 3 tracks off of 'Garden of Life' album. 1. Garden of Life; 2. This Heartbeat & 3. Feel Loves Energy...
Additionally, I did an extra vlog! 2 for the price of 1 LOL! In the extra vlog, I announced my CD album launch had been postponed on 1.5.2020, due to current restrictions on social gatherings. However, I also announced that I would be releasing my CD version of 'Garden of Life' NOW!
This week, in my Friday 27.3.2020 YouTube vlog, I discuss the next 3 tracks :-
4. Your Journey
5. I'm Lifting High
6. Don't Forget The Magic
I will also be discussing my new UNIQUE 1:1 songwriting service -YOUR Living Room Song Experience (details on my SERVICES page but I will be explaining in even more depth, how this service will work, in this coming Fridays vlog).

Life has been compared to a Journey. We all have troubled times, we've all faced them and are currently dealing with challenging times to say the least! We've faced mountain like obstacles and sometimes have to find seemingly impossible resolve to overcome what seem insurmountable. Additionally, life is an ebb and flow, some highs and some lows. The key is to try and keep lifting high, to endeavour to remember the magic, you will not always feel the rain. These days WILL pass! 'Garden of Life', as an album, is written with the intention to elevate your heart and mind, to raise your vibrations and to lift you in your purpose. Contact me to order your CD copy (£11.99/$14.61) or vist PRODUCT page.

Loves Energy,
Ray xx